Monday, April 23, 2012

Kony 2012

I am posting this blog post because something really cool just happend. if you dont know who Joseph Kony then watch the youtube videos protesting him.

They ARE indeed long, but if you watch the fist 5-10 minutes of the first video then you will get my main point. you see, my Current Events Teacher decided we should do the "Cover The Night" at  my School and that he was open to ideas. Well my idea was to "Cup" my schools overpass. see it here:

It ended up on the sites HOMEPAGE!!!!!!!!!! dont beleive me? here is their URL scroll down to the bottom, middle picture on the last row. so my point is the littlest things can make a difference. whether your just expressing an idea to your teacher, (who btw made all of it happen. im not trying to take all the credit. there were many people behind it) or tweeting about wht you belive in. Now there has been alot of controversey about the Kony 2012 campaign. i really dont feel  like going into the specifics here. but if this isnt the cause for you, then FIND ONE!!!!!! its not hard to to make yourself heard. you just have to believe.